Friday, February 27, 2009

18th March. Spanish gathering at Culture Club.

Dear Friend of the Society,

Thank you to all 51 of you who came to yesterday evening's 50th Get Together. It was great to see passers-by in Elgin Street stopping and staring at a CultureClub full of people obviously enjoying themselves. I bet they wished they could speak some Spanish!

Especial thanks go to Amai, who spoke from the heart about how a person with oriental features, but brought up in Spain, can feel and be treated in Hong Kong and China. It was very interesting, as well as thought provoking, and there were many questions.

Our next Get Together will be held on Wed. 18th March from 7.00 p.m. onwards. Everybody with an interest in conversing in Spanish is very welcome to attend, so please make a note in your diary. Cristal, from Mexico, has said that she would like to give a talk - more information will be given in the reminder e-mail.

Thanks were given to Lennon, the owner of CultureClub, for all the support he has given us since our first gathering in Nov. 2005.


Chris Stubbs

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